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Our Services

Residential Home Inspection
We, at Tru Vision Property  Inspections take our profession very seriously because we understand that home inspection isn’t just about protecting investment, but also about protecting families. We understand that home inspection plays a key role in your decision making process, a decision that is probably one of the biggest in our lives. Home inspection is also one of the best ways in ensuring that everyone is safe and we recommend that residential home inspection should be a part of every real estate deal.

  • Foundation

  • Structure

  • Basement or crawl space

  • Interior and exterior walls

  • Siding

  • Water heater

  • Heating and air conditioning systems

  • Electrical system

  • Plumbing system and fixtures

  • Porches and decks

  • Attic

  • Roof

  • Gutters

  • Fireplace and exterior chimney

  • Interior and exterior doors

  • Interior stairway components

  • Bathrooms


Thermal Imaging

Thermal Imaging or Thermographic Inspection is the usage of thermal cameras for inspection purposes. Thermal imaging reveals a variety of information and uncovers several defects which cannot be detected with any other type of inspection.

Following are some of the examples of issues thermal imaging detects.

  • Detects Heat Loss

  • Detects Damaged heating/Cooling Systems.

  • Moisture or Leak Detection

  • Electrical Hazard

  • Pests and Erosion Detection

Pre-Sale Home Inspections
Home inspections are equally as important for home sellers. Problems discovered at the last minute cause delays and sometimes even derails a potential deal. Having the home inspection done immediately puts the buyers at ease and builds trust. A prior home inspection allows sellers to take care of the issues before they become a problem in negotiating a deal.

  • Offers the buyer a reliable 3rd party opinion.

  • It protects seller from over estimation from buyers during negotiation

  • Makes seller aware of existing issues and allows time to fix them beforehand

  • It reduces sellers lability with disclosure

  • Seller can assist during an inspection.

  • Reduces the risk of last minute problem discoveries

  • Ensures a faster sale and builds trust

Home Maintenance Inspection

Home maintenance inspection is for those who like to have a proactive approach. Home maintenance inspection helps identifying those small issues which, if not dealt with early on, can demage your home degrade it’s value. Tru Vision Property inspections will identify areas that need attention. We will categorize the things that require urgent attention and the things that should be noted and are non urgent. Home maintenance inspection includes:

  • Furnaces

  • Air conditioning

  • Plumbing & Faucets

  • Windows & Doors,

  • Fire places & Chimneys,

  • Drain spouts

  • Roof

  • Gutters

  • Basement & Walls

  • Drains & other equipment.


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